Quarantined with a Pet - Palm Beach Moms

To be honest, I didn’t really want a pet.  I mean, I have three kids and run two businesses.  Oh, and I don’t like to pick up hot turds.  I changed enough diapers….

So when we visited Big Dog Ranch Rescue to see about volunteering and adopting a dog I really thought that my kids would be discouraged after working there and my job would be done.  Instead we left in love with a dog we could not wait to bring home.  Geesh.

Fast forward six months and I can honestly say that having a dog in our home has been one of the very best things we have done.  The kids are practicing responsibility, empathy, and so much more.  I love having him at my feet as I type this.  I love coming home to him.  I love taking him for walks.  I love watching him snuggle the kids to bed each night.

Now that we are under stay at home orders for the state, he provides a welcome distraction and petting a dog for just 15 minutes releases the feel-good hormones serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, and lowers the stress hormone cortisol, a University of Missouri–Columbia study says.  Can not argue with that!

It is such a relief to have our favorite fresh healthy dog food shipped directly to our door.  Ollie has been ahead of the trend setting standards of health and wellness for their team and in their packaging.  Use this link to get half off your first shipment.

They also had this to share that was helpful:

Can my dog get COVID-19?
It seems highly unlikely. The CDC says “While this virus seems to have emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from person-to-person in China. There is no reason to think that any animals, including pets in the United States, might be a source of infection with this new coronavirus. To date, CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19. At this time, there is no evidence that companion animals including pets can be infected with or spread COVID-19. However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands after being around animals.”


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