Meet the Mom - Briana D'Andrea - Palm Beach Moms
Name: Briana D’Andrea
Where did you grow up: 
Born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to South Florida when I was 10! Grew up in Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale area.
Town you live in now: 
 My husband of 11 years (who I was best friends with in high school), our 2 children and I have lived in Wellington for 9 years!
Why you love living there: 
We absolutely love living in Wellington, because horse country is just so serene.
There’s so much to do here and we love exploring our town.
From the beautiful beaches, to the museums, parks and the zoo, not to mention all of the fabulous places to eat and shop, West Palm Beach is an amazing place to raise our family.
We’re in perfect proximity to my favorite Palm Beach Island (home to Lilly Pulitzer), only 2 plus hours to the Disney parks and not too far from our family down south.
We love saying we live where people vacation!
Tell me about your kids: 
Our son Reagan is 8 years old, our first born and a total momma’s boy. He’s our thinker, our artist and our sensitive soul. He loves baseball, star wars, technology, piano & drawing.
He wants to be president some day & we think he’s got a pretty good shot!
Vera is 5 going on 15. She’s sassy, she’s independent and will someday take over the world.
She’s confident as heck and enjoys gymnastics, painting, swimming, the beach and when she grows up she wants to be a mermaid/unicorn!
Sissy as we like to call her has daddy wrapped around her finger and is most definitely one of a kind.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: 
With so much to do locally, we feel like we’ve only scratched the surface.
We love heading to the beautiful beach and taking in the saltwater, going for drives in daddy’s jeep,
trying the latest place to grab a bite (kids are really into fine dining now, so we’re in trouble lol)
and making memories at places like the Science Center and Lion Country.
Sometimes just hanging out by our pool listening to some tunes and fishing in our lake is our favorite place to be.
What’s your ‘day job’?  How did you get started with it?
I run; a lifestyle, parenting, wellness and travel blog & momgirlpod (the podcast)
We love to partner with businesses that align with our lifestyle, bring their missions to life and create an inspirational place for moms.
My husband works for Whole Foods Market and I’m a broadcast media journalist.
After working for several years in media, both on and off camera, in print, radio and on TV,  we decided I would venture off and become an entrepreneur instead!
Makes life much more interesting, plus no two days are alike and I can be present for my family! Wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world! Typing this in car line right now! lol
What is your best parenting advice.  Lay it on us.
Don’t sweat the small stuff and pick your battles.
Especially ones with yourself.
As parents we are our own worst critics and we tend to not give ourselves credit, where credit is due.
Take it one day at a time, give yourself grace and break up with mom guilt.
Do what makes you happy and brings you and your family joy and lean into that!
What do you do for self-care? 
Where do I begin?
I exercise 45 minutes daily (get a bike ride in whenever I can!)
I feed my body the fuel it needs to be a good mom & spouse.
Treat my soul with regular trips to the beach and Disney.
My morning and evening skincare routines are CRITICAL.
I schedule date nights with both my hubby, my friends and MYSELF!
Watching trash TV & eating a bowl of pasta every now and then.
Learning to say no to things that don’t serve my happiness or my growth.
8 hours of sleep a night or else!!!!
Karaoke – what are you singing?
Grease “Summer Nights” and Alicia Keyes “No One,” are my classic go tos! Right now I’m loving Niko Moon and would totally rock “Last Call”
Anything else you want to share?
I appreciate the opportunity to share and collaborate!
I love creating a community of unstoppable women! Feel free to follow me @brianadandrea and let’s be mom friends!