Meet a mom - Alyce Chan - Palm Beach Moms

Being a mom is a magical experience, but it can also be a major grind. That’s why we love sharing Reels and memes from some of our favorite funny content creators, and at the top of that list is comedian Alyce Chan, aka MomComNYC. Mom to two boys (9 and 6), the NYC-based comedian has been featured everywhere from Vogue to NBC. I this week’s Meet a Mom interview, Alyce shares how humor is her therapy, why she’s deliberately silly with her kids, and where you can see her live.

Follow Alyce on Instagram @momcomnyc.

Why do you think your comedy resonates so well with your mom audience?
I try to take any mundane everyday experience and find a way to lighten it by injecting humor into the scenario. I think as parents, we all go through similar experiences, ie. the repeatedly telling your kids to put their shoes on, the endless meal planning, the lack of sleep. These common parenting themes are what parents can all relate to and when it’s funny, it helps add levity to some of the parenting struggles that we face.

Yep – if you don’t laugh you’ll cry! Has humor gotten you through hard times as a mom?
 It’s therapy for me. If I find myself getting agitated or upset about something, I start to think of ways to make it funny and I’ll ask myself, why did it agitate me so much? Wait, if I’m frustrated or annoyed with something, other moms must feel it, too.

It will also force me to be more present and allow me to dissect an experience that was hard for me. After a while, I’ll find a humorous angle to it and that’s when I start to either script it out or start filming right away.

What was it like when Vogue included you in a list of 6 of the funniest Instagram accounts for parents?
I was actually very surprised when I found out. I was so touched and I’m so thankful that my comedy resonates with parents. I do this because I know parenting is hard and laughter can help us navigate this journey of motherhood with a lot more ease.

What’s your mom mantra?
Let loose around your kid(s). Be silly and goofy and dance; it teaches them to be in tune with their thoughts and body. Don’t let your kids think that being weird is a bad thing.

Where can people see you live?
I perform mostly in New York City. This year I’ll be venturing to other cities in the US, so far I’ve been in Santa Monica, Hollywood and soon to perform in Palm Springs and Arizona!

Anything else you’d like to share?
I’ll be speaking at the ALT Summit which is a conference of thousands of women entrepreneurs and creatives in Palm Springs on March 12-15. I have a promo code “momcom” for $50 off the ticket price.

I’m also speaking at the MOM2.0 Summit at Scottsdale, Arizona in early May.

The theme will be focused on how to use humor to elevate your brand and I’m excited to connect with other women and share my tips and insights on my comedy.