Meet the Mom - Cori M. - Palm Beach Moms


Name: Cori Maffett

Where did you grow up: Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Town you live in now: North Palm Beach, FL

Why you love living there: I love living in North Palm because of the small town, family feel! We are close to everything (especially the beach), and there is always something fun happening.

Tell me about your kids: I have three sweet girls; Ellie is 6, Esther is 4, and Eden is almost 1! They all have very different personalities; Ellie loves animals, building and creating things, and she loves to learn. Esther is our girly girl and loves everything sparkles, unicorns, and mermaids. Eden is such a sweet and content baby, and brings us so much joy with her smile!

Favorite things to do with the family locally: We love to have picnics at the beach, explore outside and ride bikes or go for walks, go to the state parks in our family’s RV, go to the North Palm Beach Library, and just generally hang out with our friends and family.

Best family restaurant: Tough choice! We love Burgerfi, Bolay, and more recently Anzo. We also love going to the Burger Shack at Lighthouse Cove in Jupiter when the weather isn’t so hot!

Ideal family vacation spot and why: In the summer we take a nice long trip up north to Philadelphia and Ocean City, New Jersey. We can usually find a place in Ocean City within a couple blocks to the beach and the boardwalk has restaurants, rides, and endless activities all within walking distance. Our whole family has so much fun and we never have to get in the car 🙂 Being in Philadelphia is a nice change of scenery, and we also love being there and seeing our family!

What’s your ‘day job’? Right now my main job is taking care of my three kiddos and my family! I also sometimes do some teaching on the side (I teach kids in China English online) and I also do some work from home as a travel agent. I am a postpartum doula as well, but I have been taking a break from that as I adjust to being a mom of three.

What is something that makes your life easier/better/more fun? I would have to say that my family and friends make my life better easier and more fun. I love doing life in community, especially as a mom. You know you aren’t alone and you can support and encourage one another. I would also add to that list nature and the beach. I love being outside!

How do you balance your ‘day job’ and motherhood? I make sure that I get a lot of rest and take good care of myself, and I try to balance my time with my kids and having time to myself. I also have to make sure my husband and I get time together. If I don’t get a break once in a while, it’s not good for any of us. I keep my kids on a pretty tight schedule, and that helps them to know what to expect, get plenty of rest, and give us a break too! Right now the jobs I have take minimal time, and if I can’t swing it then I don’t schedule any work for myself.

Who inspires you and why? I would have to say God is my main inspiration along with my husband and Godly women I know. They all push me to be a better person, wife, and mom. My desire is for myself and my family to honor God in everything we say and do. The things of this world can’t compare to the joy God provides.

What do you do for self care? Eat right, rest, exercise, and pray. These are my four main go to’s and help get me through my days!

What did you wish you knew but no one told you about being a parent? That it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. The joy you have from raising your children is more than you could ever imagine, and more fulfilling than anything you can imagine, but it can also be the hardest thing in the world. There are a lot of ups and downs and you will constantly be learning more about the world and yourself from your little ones!

Anything else you want to share? I am passionate about community, being kind to each other, and being vulnerable with each other. I think if we can work our hardest to do these things, life will be so much more fulfilling and rewarding, and we can really truly do life together. I would also like to share that, as many people already know, I suffered from severe anxiety and depression while pregnant with Eden, and I want moms to know they aren’t alone if they are struggling. Reach out and keep fighting. There is hope and together we can break the stigma that keeps so many silent and suffering alone. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my story! It’s an honor!